
Daily Email Summary of UK News

Newspin is a New-Spin

Drawing together the perspectives of the UK's major news outlets, into plain phrased summaries of stories. Without personalisation to avoid echo-chambers.

Newspin is a News-Pin

A minimalistic overview delivered once a day to combat endless doomscrolling. Using an algorithm that accounts for positivity when boosting results.

How is this different from other News Aggregators?

Other news curation focuses on engagement, rather than just keeping you informed. But engagement oriented news can negatively affect your mental health and your perception of others. Having a balance of tone and a mix of sources is better for everyone.

Why a newsletter?

Newsletters are perfect for news! (It's literally in the name). Having a finite list come in once a day, is so much better than being ambushed by a torrent of breaking updates, or doom scrolling through some infinite scroll.

How does this work?

Newspin collects news stories for each day, and stirs them together in a big pot with some fancy artificial intelligence. It then boxes it up and sends it to your email inbox

This is neat! Can I support it?

Thank you, and yes! Doing so allows the machine to keep whirring and ensure the quality continues to improve. You can buy Newspin a coffee here: